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PriceRunner Buyer Protection (Købsgaranti/Köpgaranti) As a member of PriceRunner, your purchase is secured up to 50,000 DKK/SEK if any issues arise with your purchase. The Buyer Protection is free or charge for you as a consumer and applies to all purchases when you shop with us. If you’re not already a member of PriceRuSnner and have visited us through them, you can complete your registration within 60 minutes after your purchase. It takes less than three minutes, and voila, your purchase is covered with PriceRunner.

As a Danish consumer:

As a Swedish consumer:

PriceRunner Buyer Protection protects you in the event of damage to the item during delivery, a defective item being delivered, missing items upon delivery, incorrect or faulty items, or non-delivery of the item. Remember that the order must be addressed to you as a consumer. Compensation is only provided for the cost of purchase, shipping expenses, and the direct financial damage suffered by you as a customer. No financial compensation is given for other direct or indirect costs, depreciation, or lost income. Visit PriceRunner to see the final terms and conditions for the Buyer Protection.